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Dermoklotho products are the only ones that protect, renew, rebuild and strengthen the fundamental structures of the skin, restoring and maintaining the integrity of collagen and biologically nourishing the cells of the epidermis and dermis, for a real and lasting anti-ageing effect.

A New Skin Curative Concept

Maintaining the integrity of the epidermis and the health of its constituent cells depends on the cells’ ability to replace, repair and rebuild the dermis’ degraded protein structure. This becomes particularly important with the passage of time, when the presence of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid fibres changes, the integrity of which depends on the efficiency of the fibroblasts in the dermis.

The key concept is that since the number of fibroblast duplications is limited, causing them to duplicate leads to premature ageing. Recent scientific evidence has shown that various treatments (e.g. retinoids, infrared) cause inflammation by proliferating new fibroblasts in order to stimulate synthesis of new collagen. Long-term results are therefore uncertain to say the least.

On the other hand, a specific mixture of EAAs has been shown to modulate inflammation, allowing existing fibroblasts to work more efficiently without the need to force them to duplicate.

This functional activation then enables them to produce the different types of collagen, elastin and fibronecithin needed to combat the weakening of the dermal protein structure. Skin ageing is not only counteracted, but damage caused by excessive stress can also be repaired.

Special amino acid mixture

Promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin

Prevents the ageing of fibroblasts

Facilitates the elimination of old structures

This effect is achieved either by the introduction of the amino acid mixture as a food supplement or by using it as a localised treatment, nourishing “from the outside in”.

This second use applies to both the epidermis and the dermis, the layer of skin that lies beneath the epidermis, as it is the cells that constitute it that control the synthesis of collagen and other structural molecules within it.

As demonstrated by numerous publications explaining the biological mechanisms, these particular mixtures have the capacity tomaintain intact the regeneration of the collagen, elastin and fibronectin structure typical of young fibroblasts. In this way, the mixture will increase efficiency, extend the efficient lifespan and maintain the possibility of fibroblast duplication.

The mixture of essential amino acids in Dermoklotho also produces a significant increase in sirtuin-1, a protein essential for the correct functioning of DNA and energy metabolism in fibroblasts, and responsible for the longevity phenomenon.

Maintaining the integrity of collagen and elastinna

Science has always sought to understand the control mechanisms of protein synthesis, but it is only in recent decades, thanks to the advent of new investigative technologies, that molecular biology has been able to explain not only why, but also how certain things happen, or cannot happen even if they are necessary. Much information has been confirmed, while other information has been corrected and modified by the evolution of investigative tools. The key is to understand how the integrity of a protein structure derives from the efficiency of the cell that produces its basic building blocks. This efficiency, in turn, depends on the availability of the building blocks of which the protein is composed, the amino acids. These concepts are part of ancient knowledge, which remains necessary for understanding the biology of protein synthesis.

Amino acids are not all the same and proteins have a unique and typical sequence in their content. A deficiency of even one amino acid in the protein structure prevents synthesis from beginning, compromising the maintenance of the structure’s integrity. If, on the other hand, fibroblasts have an abundant supply of amino acids, the protein is not left to age to the point of breaking down but is replaced efficiently and quickly as soon as even the slightest deficiency occurs.

The longer the fibroblasts are fed with useful amino acids, the more they will rejuvenate their structures, eliminating the old ones and replacing them with the new ones before there is any damage that is difficult, if not impossible, to repair.

All DERMOKLOTHO® line products contain a special blend of amino acids
with antioxidant and anti-ageing action, which allows the fibroblasts
to eliminate the oldest and most fragile collagen and replace it with new, elastic collagen,
without increasing the number of cell generations.

Klotho, the molecule that determines the quality of collagen

The fibroblast, the cell that works ceaselessly to keep the skin intact, has very high requirements for amino acids, and for two different needs: first, it needs amino acids that it can use to maintain its structures, and second, it needs to be fully supplied with the amino acids needed to complete collagen synthesis.

These activities are regulated by particular ‘switches’, called receptors, and the most interesting molecule in this regard has been named Klotho, after the ancient Greek goddess who decided the length of life.

Klotho molecule has a receptor activity, but it is also capable of producing fragments that, in turn, transmit extremely important messages to cells that do not have them.

Prolonged use of DERMOKLOTHO® products makes possible to maintain the integrity and youthfulness of fibroblasts for longer:

having the same number of generations of fibroblasts at 60 and the same efficiency as at 25 is now an attainable goal through constant and lasting skin care.

It is important to underline the difference between a purely cosmetic result, which is quick and very temporary, and a treatment that nourishes skin with selected and valuable elements. In this way, the physiological activities of the cells that keep skin intact are supported. The longer the treatment, the greater the results that can be achieved.

The activity of the special amino acid mixture (MSAA) contained in all products of DERMOKLOTHO® line has been tested on human fibroblasts in molecular biology studies conducted at university research centres.


Maintaining the integrity of collagen

Science has always tried to understand the control mechanisms of protein synthesis, but only in recent decades a specialized branch of science, molecular biology, thanks to the advent of new technologies of investigation, has been able to explain not only why, but also how certain things happen, or can not happen even if necessary. Many ancient information have been confirmed, some have been corrected, others modified by the evolution of investigative tools.

Fundamental is to understand how the integrity of a protein structure derives from the efficiency of cell that produces the basic elements that compose the protein. This efficiency, in turn, depends on the availability of the building blocks of which the protein is composed for synthesis, the amino acids. This is ancient knowledge that remains a cornerstone of our understanding of the biology of protein synthesis.

Amino acids are not all the same, and proteins have a unique and typical sequence in their amino acid content. Amino acids, are like the letters that compose a word, there must be available and present, to put them in the right place, the right amounts of each, and then of each all those necessary to compose the final protein to be able to start the synthesis, not others. The deficiency of even one amino acid prevents the synthesis from starting, and therefore the maintenance of the integrity of the structure.

If, however, the fibroblasts are given abundant availability of amino acids, the protein is not allowed to age to the limit of risk of breakdown, but is replaced efficiently and rapidly as soon as there are even the slightest deficiencies in strength. And, the longer the fibroblasts are fed with plenty of useful amino acids, the greater will be the rejuvenation of the structures, eliminating old ones and replacing them with new ones before there is any damage that is difficult, or impossible, to repair.

How did Science figure these things out?
Several branches of Science have tested different systems, and the different molecules capable of influencing, at least in theory, the repair of dermis. We have learned a lot from wounds and ulcers repair in conditions of disease: what doesn’t work in these conditions, doesn’t work, or hardly works, even in keeping healthy the normal skin, attacked by physical stress of any kind!